Why our metal fibre burners and premix gas burners provide the most fuel efficient, gas safe and cost effective heating system currently available. [more...]
Infrared is the ideal form of heating for outdoor spaces - restaurants, exhibitions, sports events - since it is not affected by air currents - wind. [more...]
A novel use for infrared heating - reducing starches to sugars - micronisation in the food industry makes foods more digestible. [more...]
Setting the catering equipment industry alight with their cost saving ingenuity, Infraglo show how a gas upgrade can save money, not cost money! [more...]
A self contained control unit for metal fibre or ceramic plaque burners housed in a stainless steel box providing reduced fuel consumption and product quality. [more...]
all Metal fibre burners baking. burner control unit ceramic plaque burners controllability cost effective heating system energy savings food production gas and air gas conversion heating system metal fibre burners micronisation modulation. overhead heaters premix quality control reduced running costs. wall mounted
Infraglo (Sheffield) Ltd
Dannemora Drive
Greenland Road Industrial Park
Sheffield S9 5DF
t: +44 114 249 5445
f: +44 114 249 5066
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